Terug naar de natuur - Satish Kumar
Club Groeneveld
54 min
In Terug naar de natuur maakt Louis Bijl de Vroe een flinke wandeling door de Nederlandse natuur. Hij wordt hierbij vergezeld door een bijzondere gast. Gaandeweg de wandeling filosoferen de twee over wie wij zijn als mens, en hoe we ons verhouden tot de natuur en samenleving.
A lecture on life, nature, activism, silence, creativity, being yourself, head, hands and heart.
Satish Kumar

In this English episode of the Club Groeneveld podcast ‘Terug naar de natuur’ (Back to Nature), Louis Bijl de Vroe has a conversation with Satish Kumar. Satish was born in India in 1936 and is a long-term peace and environment activist and pacifist. Inspired in his early twenties by Bertrand Russell, Satish embarked on a 8.000 mile peace pilgrimage from New Delhi to Moscow, Paris, London, and Washington, D.C.; the capitals of the world's earliest nuclear-armed countries.
In 1973 Satish settled in the United Kingdom. He is founder of the Schumacher College international centre for ecological studies, is the author of many books including his autobiography, ‘No Destination’ and was a long-time Editor of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine.
Satish has been awarded Honorary Doctorates in Education, Literature, Laws and Science by various Universities and is an Oxfam UK ambassador. He now continues to teach and run workshops on reverential ecology, holistic education and voluntary simplicity.
In our conversation Satish talks about:
- How we are connected through diversity
- How every action should be an act of love
- How freeing oneself from fear is the greatest freedom there is
- The true nature of pilgrimage
- The life lessons he learned from Bertrand Russell and Martin Luther King
- And the most inspiring teacher of all: nature
- If you want to know more about Satish, click below
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